• Question: which drug affects the nerves the most

    Asked by 07oakeym to Keith on 16 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Keith Brain

      Keith Brain answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      The “nerves” themselves are technically just the cables that carry electrical signals from one place to another. The drugs that interfere with this type of communication are the local anaesthetics – of which the commonest is called lidocaine. It stops sodium (Na+) going into the nerves, and this movement is essential for passing electrical signal along nerves. They stop working.

      However, at the ends of the nerves, the nerve terminals, neurotransmitter is released. This involves some complex machinery, which is very sensitive to drugs. Perhaps the most dangerous drug, or toxin, that affects nerves is “botulinum toxin” (or Botox!), which stops the nerves from releasing their neurotransmitter. There also lots of spider, snake and coneshell toxins that also very effectively interfere with this process. Nicotine is also quite good at interfering with some types of nerves. So, lots of interactions out there.
