• Question: Is it possible to create a gaseous patch to cover holes in the ozone layer?

    Asked by cassiemason to Alastair, Emma, Hywel, Keith, Vicki on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Alastair Sloan

      Alastair Sloan answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Wow interesting question Cassie. In theory yes it would be possible to create an ozone patch, as that would be gas kept within distinct boundaries or containers. But, and its a big huge but, keeping it in place where the hole in the ozone layer is would be difficult as gas does not stay in one place and it would be part of the atmosphere Also, the hole in the ozone layer is not technically a physical hole, more an area where ozone concentration is weak.

    • Photo: Vicki Stevenson

      Vicki Stevenson answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Hi Cassie
      It would be difficult to make ozone to inject into the ozone layer – ozone is actually a dangerous pollutant and requires a lot of energy to make it. The most important thing we can do is avoid releasing pollutants which attack the ozone.

    • Photo: Keith Brain

      Keith Brain answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Sounds like a good idea to me! It might be a little bit expensive to produce enough of the gas; ozone is somewhat toxic to people, so making it would have to be done carefully. I expect that cost would be the limit, but it might be worth looking into …
