• Question: How does the Driver stay conscious

    Asked by omnomnom to Hywel on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Hywel Vaughan

      Hywel Vaughan answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Glad you are still asking questions omnomnom!
      The Driver (Andy Green) has had years of training to deal with high G-Forces. Almost all fast jet pilots do. He has to be trained to deal with the change from negative to positive G too.
      When he is accelerating, all of the blood gets pushed to his head (if you imagine yourself sat on your chair with your legs forward, the blood gets pulled from front to back)and it gathers there. Then you suddenly start braking, and all the blood that has gathered in your head gets drawn to your feet. This is something that you and I wouldn’t really be able to deal with, but luckily Andy Green can! 😀
