• Question: Do you prefer... Chemistry, Biology or Physics?

    Asked by snowdona to Alastair, Emma, Hywel, Keith, Vicki on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Hywel Vaughan

      Hywel Vaughan answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      That’s a very good question, and a very easy one to answer snowdona!
      Physics. Physics is the building blocks that all other sciences rest upon. Even if you go down to cellular level in biology or elements in chemistry, they are all brought together by physics. On top of that, physics includes time and space travel – two things I am fascinated by! 😀

    • Photo: Alastair Sloan

      Alastair Sloan answered on 17 Jun 2010:


      I prefer biology – understanding our body and the other living things around us

    • Photo: Keith Brain

      Keith Brain answered on 17 Jun 2010:


      (which might seem strange, given my work in biology and medicine, but I’m always working to sneak a bit of Physics in).

      Chemistry is very important, but I’m not particularly good at it – so I have some friends that I ask for chemistry help when I get stuck.

    • Photo: Vicki Stevenson

      Vicki Stevenson answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      I enjoyed the experiments in chemistry, but found physics easier to understand. I never studied biology as a specific science, but wish I had as I think it would have been useful.

    • Photo: Emma Carter

      Emma Carter answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      I’ve never been a huge fan of Chemistry. Human biology is fascinating because the human body is just so complex and well designed it is mind-boggling. Physics on the other hand gets down to the nitty gritty of how things exist, move and hold together – from the smallest quantum forces to the vastness of space – so I ‘m going to go with Physics as my final answer!
